Stay on top of the facts and photos that marked this journey.1-Photos from number 1 to 9 depict event took place on May 24, 2021 with the presence of writer Louis Maurice Young.It was a show with much philosophical discussion, fun and culture on Pamplona Street,1.135 about the golden decades that were the 70´s 80s and 90s in the arts, in music, in sports and in politics leaving the message that to continue forward need to value history and emphasize culture 10- Released on Youtube whose channel is just to click on the photo my first song based on my thoughts, messages and books in São Paulo,Brazil with the collaboration of Fabio Rodrigues Barbosa,a guitar player.There will be others soon addressing from love to the world and people as a whole. Soon the name of the band will be announced and will have many new features still in the world of arts, music and books. 11-Pictured at the subway station in São Paulo,Capital,Brazil.This was in June of 2021.Book available in bookstores and newsstands in all train and subway stations in São Paulo and around the world.
12-Children are the center of the universe and we must return to the beginning of everything. Faith in God our lord, love of parents, respect for teachers and traditions. 13-The Cultural Space Calamari was an excellent event of discussions as to the courses that the humanity must take in order that a better place makes these world to live, in order that the Amazonian forest to respect the nature specially and it suits me to give my piece of contribution fulfilling this paper in the society planting this seed for the today young persons aiming at future in front. 14-Take part in the struggle in defense of the Amazon heritage of humanity and in defense of indigenous peoples at this time being oppressed and the forest destroyed before it is too late.Continue the fight for the defense of Amazonia and indigenous peoples.Lula is the president and a great person but some secular policies need to change. This is really love Brazil. Join the fight, sign and help us before it's too late. Accompany as it is tragic these citizens playing with the Earth. More tragic it will be if none providence will be taken at time.8-In Italy, Greenpeace activists peacefully protest environmental destruction to welcome Brazilian parliamentarians attending pre-COP event. 15-A entrevista que mexeu com corações e mentes,doutrinas,filosofias,de à politica até as artes.Você nunca mais será o mesmo depois desta assistir à entrevista do meu canal Acontecimentos e Fatos no Programa Aconteceu de Fato sob o comando de Louis Maurice Young Entrevista Valo-Velho(BillyWolfGangz).Watch the interview that shaked with hearts and minds,doctrines,philosophies, from to the politics up to
the arts.You never again will be the same thing after this interview. Stay
tuned.The first night of my channel Events and Facts in the Program It
happened of Fact under the command of Louis Maurice Young. 16- Let us unite in a chain of prayers for the children of Palestine and around the world. Stop the attacks. Children are not to blame and never have been in this or any war.If they want to kill themselves, let them kill themselves, but leave the children alone. It doesn't matter if they are Jewish or Palestinian, children are children no matter the race. The human being is a scoundrel indeed, the animal man since the world is a world! Neither on one side nor on the other. Attack the terrorists. These are like bandits anywhere in the world. Is it that no one there has a heart?or God? Stop this stupidity immediately. The war is not against them, on any side whatsoever, but against these scoundrels. In any decade.
Image 17:With the advance of modernity much is about implanting chip, robot, etc... These pseudo-modernists should take their fortunes and help the environment, distribute to the neediest, go to the frontlines of battles, prevent terrorism, see with their own eyes what is a worker walking the entire city and earn less than 10 dollars a day and try to live and be happy all over the world, the third, the fourth, maybe the tenth world or whatever. it doesn't matter your profession with this rather than propagating surreal ideas.I am against the robotization of the human beings.
Robots taking over the job and dominating with the excuse of efficiency and modernity? And who wins and who loses from it?
. Who cares about that? This excess of modernity has not taken so much work and has not already brought so much barbarity? Watch out for this, guys, open your eyes.You keep an eye on it!